Dear Members,

Summary of Victorian Government changes to restrictions

The Victorian Premier has announced a number of changes to Victorian Government restrictions. Victoria’s lockdown will be extended with only 5 reasons to leave home still in place until 70% of Victorians have had at least one dose of vaccine. This is estimated to be around 23 September.

The key changes from 11.59 pm on Thursday 2 September include:

  • Playgrounds will reopen- with a QR code check-in
  • In-home care – like babysitters – will also be expanded to school-aged children if both parents are authorised workers.

When 70 percent of Victorians have had at least one vaccine dose:

  • The 5km radius for exercise and shopping beyond your home will be expanded to 10km
  • There will be an additional hour of exercise, allowing Victorians up to three hours a day
  • Outdoor personal training will be allowed with up to two people plus the trainer. Outdoor communal gym equipment and skateparks will reopen.
  • Private inspections of unoccupied premises for a new purchase or end of the lease will be permitted by only one household may attend at a time, with the agent staying outdoors during the inspection.

Subject to public health advice, the Victorian Government will consider easing parts of regional Victoria next week.

You can read the Premier’s media release below and also find the link below for the updated table of restrictions.

Yours sincerely,

Brendan Tohill | Chief Executive Officer
VANA – Victorian Authorised Newsagents Association
NLNA – National Lotteries Newsagents Association

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